Year 11 John Gray Recyclers Act to Preserve our Heritage
Barkers Is Beautiful Once More - Thanks to Shannon and her DEH team
Home | Alert - Coral Reefs/Marine Life are being killed by harmful marine debris! | How Can We Preserve Our Coral Reefs? | Guess What - Turtles have an inbuilt sensing of magnetic fields to help them with their migration? | Alert - Turtles migratory paths follow gyres and ocean currents full of marine debris | Our Action Plan to help protect coral reefs and marine life from destruction | Beautifying Barkers/Preserving our Heritage | We show Shannon the Dumping/Littering/Marine Debris Problems | Barkers is Overflowing with Marine Debris/Litter - We need help! | How Can We Solve the Problems at Barkers? Our Action Plan | How are we Preserving Barkers/Our Blue Iguanas? Our Action Plan | Information about Quincy, our adopted Baby Blue Iguana | Preserving our Coral Reefs and Marine Life by Hi-Cone Plastic Six Pack Holder Recycling | Barkers Is Beautiful Once More - Thanks to Shannon and her DEH team | Contact us and join us with our Coral Preservation Work
 Shannon and her DEH Team
Shannon and her DEH Team do a wonderful job of restoring the natural beauty of Barkers
 Barkers is Beautiful Once More
All of the dumped items have been removed by the Solid Waste Department of the DEH

The John Gray Recyclers would like to thank the Department of Environmental Health for all their hard work to make Barkers Beautiful. 
Thank you Mr Ronald Dilbert Acting Assistant Director of Solid Waste Section for helping with our Barkers' Clean Up, on 29 March 2004, for providing us with a Recycling Bin in the beach area, and for providing new signs for the Barkers National Park to deter people from dumping and littering. 
Also many thanks to Mr Dwight Connor who operated the grab truck and worked exceptionally hard to collect over 15 cu yds of dumped items.