Please click pictures for news articles
World Environment Day Presentation - June 2004 |
to the Director of the Cayman Islands' Department of Environmental Health |
JGR receive a cheque for CI$5,000 from Mrs Basdeo |
Permanent Secretary, Department of Education, Resources and Culture for Fiji project |
Our Environmental Project on Barkers National Park |
Showcased at the Cayman National Bank |
Rotary Club Central present a cheque for CI$1000 |
towards the John Gray Recyclers' Fiji Project |
John Gray Recyclers' work in Foreign Press |
Listing marine debris items found at Barkers National Park |
Melissa Brown helps create art from Marine Debris |
Earth Day 2004 |
John Gray Recyclers clean up Barkers National Park |
with the help of Shannon McKenzie and the Department of Environmental Health |
Cayman to Recycle Plastic for the first time. |
Meet Quincy - the first sponsored Blue Iguana |
Quincy our adopted Baby Blue Iguana |
Cayman Net News Editorial - The Best Gift of All |

JGR are to be applauded for their efforts to promote recycling and care for the environment. |
John Gray Recyclers listed in the Cayman Islands' |

Internet Businesses Directory (AD) under Charitable Organisations |