Unite with the John Gray Recyclers
Our Pledge to Protect our Heritage
John Gray Recyclers in the News
Year 11 John Gray Recyclers Act to Preserve our Heritage
Lighthouse School joins Hi-Cone Recycling Programme with JGR
Life and Strife of Coral Reefs
Pollution is destroying the world's coral reefs!
Unite and protect our world's coral reefs from destructon!
Enjoy/Don't Destroy (Young Children's page)
Marine Circulation of Garbage
Follow the Coral Code/Don't Spoil with Oil
Cayman Islands' Marine Parks Rules
Summary of Cayman Islands Marine Conservation Laws
Turtle tracking of Cayman Islands' turtles
The Cayman Turtle Farm
Plastic Recycle with the John Gray Recyclers
Oil Recycle with the John Gray Recyclers
Paper /Can Recycle with the John Gray Recyclers
Telephone Book Recycle with the John Gray Recyclers
Our Pledge to Protect our Heritage
Protect Our Heritage - Sponsor a Baby Blue Iguana
Protect our Heritage (continued)
Our Cayman Islands' Seacology Park Project
Urban Park Continued
Stephen Jared Ebanks Youth Centre
Dive In to Earth Day
World Environment Day
World Ocean Day
Environmental Sites a Must to Visit
Recycling Sites a Must to Visit
CCMI Summer Camp
School environmental activities
About our Recycling/Environmental Club
JGR Past Activities/Photos - 1
JGR Past Activities/Photos - 2
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Tracy and Adlin holding the Blue Dragon Posters
 Blue Dragon Posters - Blue Iguana preservation
Created to help preserve the Blue Iguanas

We, the John Gray Recyclers pledge our support to the Baby Blue Iguana Sponsorship programme. We believe that the preservation of Cayman's precious heritage is of utmost importance and that we must take action now in order to save the Blue Iguana from extinction.

Year 11 John Gray Recyclers, Melissa and Nikita
Year 11 John Gray Recyclers help Blue Iguanas
pledge their support to protect the Blue Iguanas from extinction
Twenty John Gray Recyclers gave up their lunch break to listen and watch a powerpoint presentation about the Blue Dragon programme and how they could sponsor the Baby Blue Iguanas.
Year 11 John Gray Recyclers had already seen this wonderful presentation when Mrs Leslie Bigelman came to tell them all about the Blue Dragon programme two weeks before.  They made a pledge to Dr Mat Cottam, Project Manager at the National Trust to protect the Grand Cayman Blue Iguana from extinction, and then presented him with CI$750.00 towards the sponsorship of "Quincy".  They were told that this would keep Quincy for one year; providing him/her with all the things a young iguana would need.
Nikita explained that the Recyclers had decided to call their Baby Blue Quincy because it was the Cayman Islands' Quincentennial Year.

Dr Mat Cottam talking about the Blue Dragon
 Dr Mat Cottam giving his Powerpoint Presentation
Programme during his Powerpoint Presentation

Melissa presents Dr Mat Cottam with the cheque
 Melissa presents Dr Mat Cottam with a cheque
for CI$750.00 on behalf of the John Gray Recyclers
Spell-bound audience listen and watch
 Spell-bound audience listen and watch Dr Cottam
Dr Mat Cottam give his presentation
John Gray Recyclers talk to Dr Mat Cottam
 John Gray Recyclers talk to Dr Mat Cottam
excitedly after his wonderful presentation.

Click to visit the Cayman National Trust Website