Unite with the John Gray Recyclers
Protect Our Heritage - Sponsor a Baby Blue Iguana
John Gray Recyclers in the News
Year 11 John Gray Recyclers Act to Preserve our Heritage
Lighthouse School joins Hi-Cone Recycling Programme with JGR
Life and Strife of Coral Reefs
Pollution is destroying the world's coral reefs!
Unite and protect our world's coral reefs from destructon!
Enjoy/Don't Destroy (Young Children's page)
Marine Circulation of Garbage
Follow the Coral Code/Don't Spoil with Oil
Cayman Islands' Marine Parks Rules
Summary of Cayman Islands Marine Conservation Laws
Turtle tracking of Cayman Islands' turtles
The Cayman Turtle Farm
Plastic Recycle with the John Gray Recyclers
Oil Recycle with the John Gray Recyclers
Paper /Can Recycle with the John Gray Recyclers
Telephone Book Recycle with the John Gray Recyclers
Our Pledge to Protect our Heritage
Protect Our Heritage - Sponsor a Baby Blue Iguana
Protect our Heritage (continued)
Our Cayman Islands' Seacology Park Project
Urban Park Continued
Stephen Jared Ebanks Youth Centre
Dive In to Earth Day
World Environment Day
World Ocean Day
Environmental Sites a Must to Visit
Recycling Sites a Must to Visit
CCMI Summer Camp
School environmental activities
About our Recycling/Environmental Club
JGR Past Activities/Photos - 1
JGR Past Activities/Photos - 2
Children Of The World unite
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The Baby Blue Iguanas at the Cayman Islands'
Baby Blues piggyback riding - photo National Trust
Botanical Gardens - picture courtesy of Cayman Islands' National Trust

Cayman Islands Pirates' Week Float Parade - 25 October 2003

Our 2003 Pirates' Week Float Parade Float
Our 2003 Pirates' Week Float Parade Float
"Sponsor a Baby Blue"
Our float collage - a small section
 Our float collage - a small section

Rap with us to - Da Recycle Vision

Click above to listen to our Recycle song made especially to celebrate Pirates Week and the Cayman Islands' five hundred year celebration! Thank you Lawren, Cheyenne, Marlon and Nikita for composing such a wonderful Rap, and many thanks to Chuck Taylor for producing the Rap recording for us.  The picture below right shows Cheyenne with Chuck in the Recording Studio. The picture to the left shows us in the Float Parade held on 25 October 2003.
Cheyenne with Chuck Taylor watching Chuck
 Cheyenne watching Chuck Taylor recording the Rap
recording the John Gray Recyclers' Rap

Iggy and Grabbit (Melissa Brown and Leah Grant)
Iggy and Grabbit
Pirates' Week Float Parade - 25 October 2003

Our Float - 500 Years Cayman - Protect our Heritage
Sponsor a Grand Cayman Baby Blue Iguana

Our Sponsor a "Baby Blue" Iguana float
Our Sponsor a "Baby Blue" Iguana float
This year our major sponsor was the Cayman Islands' Department of Environmental Health. We were also sponsored by the National Trust for the Cayman Islands, the Cayman Islands' Department of Environment, and the Cayman Islands' National Art Gallery.
We decided that it was important to notify the public of the new Blue Iguana programmes being organised by the National Trust/National Art Gallery. The Blue Iguana is a protected species in the Cayman Islands and each island, Grand Cayman, Cayman Brac and Little Cayman has different variations of this species. There only approximately 20 of these iguanas found in the wild in Grand Cayman at the current time. The Grand Cayman Iguana is being bred at the Cayman Islands' Botanical Park in North Side. This year over 90 blue iguanas were born. The cost to look after these iguanas for a year is approximately CI$750.00. Due to the high cost of protecting these iguanas the National Trust has organised a sponsorship programme where people can adopt and sponsor one of these iguanas for a year at the above cost. At this cost they would also be able to give a name for their iguana.
The National Art Gallery under the directorship of Mrs Leslie Bigelman are organising a "Blue Dragon" programme. They have fibreglass iguanas which have been painted by artists in the Community. These very life-like iguanas are to be placed in the new Grand Cayman parks. It costs CI$2,500 to become an owner of one of these iguanas.
Mrs Leslie Bigelman is currently giving talks about both programmes and can be contacted at the Cayman Islands' National Art Gallery.
Iggy - Float Parade
Iggy - Float Parade
Ching Ching - Carlton Thomas
Ching Ching (Grackle)
Mrs Garbage in traditional Cayman clothes
Mrs Thompson and Mrs Whitehead - traditional wear
as is Mrs Thompson - saying "Recycle with Iggy"
Paul and Raegan at the front of our float
 Paul and Raegan at the front of our float