Three schools win Disney prizes
Tuesday, June 6, 2006

John Gray High School
students having fun.
St Ignatius Catholic School, George
Town Primary School and John
Gray High School have copped the Jiminy Cricket’s
Environmentality Challenge grand prizes in their age group.
The students were paid a surprise visit last week in their
classrooms to be presented with their prizes sponsored by Disney Cruise Lines, Department of Tourism, Department of Education
and Department of Environment.
Jiminy Cricket’s Environmentality Challenge is an educational
programme that invites students to get involved and learn more about protecting the environment.
Third-year students were asked to create an original art project
on the topic, “Why we need water”, while sixth-year and eleventh-year classrooms tackled a worldwide environmental
issue using classroom subjects such as maths, science and language arts.
Mark Witko, Community and Government Relations Manager for
Disney Cruise Lines, presented the students with Jiminy Cricket hats and watches in the presence of their school staff and
DOT officials.
Mr Witko said, “We are excited to celebrate and recognize
the efforts of these winning students aboard the Disney Magic.”
“They are making a difference in the Cayman community
and raising awareness for Environmentality everywhere,” he added.
As part of their prize the winning students, along with their
teachers and principals, will take part in a special ceremony and day of fun onboard the Disney Magic cruise ship on 20 June.
The students will tour the ship and have lunch with Disney
Cruise Lines executives where they will be officially recognized for winning the competition and further prizes and surprises
will be presented.
Jiminy Cricket’s Environmentality Challenge was created
by the Walt Disney Company in 1994 to encourage students to think and act environmentally – at school, at home and in
their local communities.
This is the second year the Cayman Islands,
a popular port destination on the Disney Magic seven-night western Caribbean itinerary, has participated
in this programme.