Iggy Lends his Support to Student Recyclers at John Gray High School
Enthusiastic members of the environmental youth group, John Gray Recyclers, were joined by a
special guest at the recent John High School Club Fair. Iggy the Iguana, the Department of Environmental Health’s recycling
mascot, visited the school to help the Recyclers promote recycling and recruit new members.
Iggy stood by the Recycler’s table, welcoming new students to
the Club and showing curious students a basket full of plastic six-pack holders the Club has collected as part of their recycling
The DEH Chief Environmental Health Officer, Roydell Carter has given the Club his full support for encouraging
recycling in the Cayman
Islands. The Department has assisted the Recyclers in several projects such as at the Barkers National Park where they worked alongside
youngsters to collect over 15 cubic yards of solid waste in less than two hours. At the request of the Recyclers the DEH has
also placed new signs in the Barkers area to stop dumping.
DEH also sponsored the John Gray Recyclers’ Seacology
Naikorokoro, Fiji Project. In 2004, Club members
donated funds to Seacology, an environmental foundation based in the USA,
for the construction of a new kindergarten and dispensary for Naikorokoro
Village, in exchange for the creation of a 10,800-acre marine reserve.
Club members visited the village last year and saw the benefits of their fundraising efforts.
“We have also reinstated our plastic six-pack holder collection programme and are
recycling the holders through Bodden Beverages as a means of protecting our turtles and fragile marine life“. Co-ordinator
of the John Gray Recyclers Mrs. Christine Whitehead said. More information about the six-pack holder recycling and the John
Gray Recyclers’ Seacology projects can be found at www.johngrayrecyclers.org and Mrs Whitehead can be contacted
at johngrayrecyclers@hotmail.com or at the John Gray High School.