- Closed
season March 1 through November 30 - Six inch tail minimum size - Catch limit: three per person or six
per boat per day, whichever is less - Only spiny lobster (P. argus) may be taken
- Closed
Season - May 1 through October 31
- Catch
limit: five per person or ten per boat per day, whichever is less - No one may purchase or receive more than five conch
from Cayman waters per day.
Closed Season
- May 1 - October 31
Open Season
catch limit - 2 1/2 gallons in the shell or 2 1/2 lbs of processed whelks per person per day.
- No one
may purchase or receive more than 2 1/2 gallons in the shell or 2 1/2 lbs of processed whelks from Cayman waters in any one
- Chitons,
Periwinkles and Bleeding Teeth may not be taken from Cayman waters at any time.
(includes Starfish, Sea Eggs/Urchins, Sea Cucumber, Sand Dollars etc) may not be taken from Cayman waters at any time.
- No
one may disturb, molest or take turtle in Cayman waters without a licence from the Cayman Marine Conservation Board -
Possession of turtle eggs is prohibited - For licensed fishermen, closed season is 1 May through 31 October
No one may
feed, attempt to feed, or provide or use food to attract any shark in Cayman waters
- Size limit:
12" minimum size limit applies throughout Cayman waters year round except:
- Designated
grouper spawning areas are protected.
- No one may take Nassau grouper from
any of the designated grouper spawning areas.
- No one may spear fish or set a fish
pot within a one mile radius of any designated grouper spawning area from 1 November - 31 March.
- Protected
Fish - Jew Fish, Tilefish (whities), Filefish (pipers) and Angelfish, including Gray, French and Queen Angels (old monks)
may not be taken from Cayman waters at any time.
Size limits:
Eight inch minimum size on all other fish except Goggle Eyes, Herrings (including Sprats), Anchovies and Silversides (including
Loggerhead and Fine Fry).
- Must
be lincensed by the Marine Conservation Board
- Only Caymanians
over 18 may be granted licences
- Only two
pots per family and pots must be identified with a DOE tag.
- No fish pot
may be set within a one-mile radius of any Designated Grouper Spawning Area from November 1 to March 31.
& SEINE NETS - No one may use a spear gun (includes Hawaiian Sling, Polespear, Harpoon, Hookstick or any device with
a pointed end whcih may be used to impale, stab or pierce any marine life but does not include a striker) or Seine Net without
a licence from the Marine Conservation Board. NOTE: A Striker is defined as a wooden pole no shorter than ten
feet with a maximum of two barb-less prongs attached to one end.
- No one may
possess a speargun without a licence.
- No one may
import a speargun or any parts for a speargun.
- Only Caymanians
over 18 may be granted a licence.
- Speargun
catch limit 3 fish per licensed person per day.
- No one may use a spear gun in water
less than 20 ft deep
- No one may
possess more than 6 fish that have been caught by a speargun.
- No one may
spear fish within a one mile radius of any designated grouper spawning area from November 1 through 31 March.
- Licence holders must carry licence when
using Seine Net or Spear Fishing and adhere to Licence conditions.
- Unless
licensed by the Marine Conservation Board, residents who do not possess Caymanian status may not take or attempt to take by
any means any marine life while he is on shore or in any part of Cayman waters in which he can stand.
- No licence is required for catch and release fishing.
RULES - Damaging coral by anchor, chains or any other means ANYWHERE in Cayman waters is prohibited - No taking of ANY
marine life, alive or dead, while on scuba - No taking of any coral, sponges, etc. from Cayman waters
gloves while diving or snorkelling in Cayman waters is prohibited - Export of live fish or other marine life is prohibited
- Fishing with gill nets, poison or other noxious substances is prohibited - Dumping ANYTHING in Cayman waters is
- The export
of conch shells and/or black coral requires a CITES permit issued through the DOE.
of any of these laws is an offence carrying a maximum penalty of CI$500,000 fine and one year in jail. Upon conviction
forfeiture of the vessel or other equipment may also be ordered.
Call for
further informaton Department of Environment, 580 North Sound Way, Grand Cayman. Phone 949-8469 Fax 949-4020;
Cayman Brac Phone 926-0136, Little Cayman Phone 926-0135; VHF Channel 10.
offences to VHF 10, 948-6002, or 911. Report Oil Spills or other Marine Pollution to the DOE 949-8469 or 911.
Website: http://www.gov.ky/doel
